It's November 1st!?!?! I didn't even get a chance to get Audrie's birthday pictures up until almost a month later...good thing I have an excuse, right?.....
Oh he is melting us with his big open mouth smiles!
Here's a short in words, but full of pictures post summing up the two events in October...Audrie's 3rd Birthday & Halloween
Here's our beauty of a 3 year old...
Had to have a Tinkerbell's her favorite Disney Character!
The beautiful Tinkerbell cake! Oh I could not have asked for a better cake!
(Thanx again Casey & Natalie!!!)
(Thanx again Casey & Natalie!!!)
Her gift from Mom & Dad
It's always a Happy Halloween :)
Our Prince Charming is behind the camera...not in costume, but still our Prince :)
Ahhhh I can sleep a little better! I actually blogged in October. I wish I had more time to post, but at least I am capturing the memories. Can't let those pass by!