Sunday, June 20, 2010

We love our DAD!

It's been so long, but I am up early for a Sunday. Grant and Audrie are still some point in the night she snuck in bed next to him :) Somehow it's cuter on Father's Day :) I couldn't let the opportunity pass to give Grant a little shout out on his special day as we celebrate him as a dad!

Happy Father's Day Grant! You are patient and kind. You never are quick to anger with these two special spirits. You love and serve. You always want us to have fun as a family...and it always is fun with you in the room! You are sweet and caring. You always think of the kids and how we are doing throughout the day. You are silly and a big kid. What better friend is there for your kids than your hero, your dad?!? You, Grant, are great! We love you and appreciate all you do for our family!
Katie, Audrie, & Blake

Can't forget Papa's too! Happy Papa Day to Grandpa Turley & Grandpa Brown!!! :)

This one I took for my dad :) Couldn't resist when I took one around the same age with Audrie.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October flew by....

It's November 1st!?!?! I didn't even get a chance to get Audrie's birthday pictures up until almost a month later...good thing I have an excuse, right?.....

Oh he is melting us with his big open mouth smiles!
Here's a short in words, but full of pictures post summing up the two events in October...Audrie's 3rd Birthday & Halloween

Here's our beauty of a 3 year old...

Audrie is a special girl! We love her so much and are so thankful for her filling our lives with joy!
Had to have a Tinkerbell's her favorite Disney Character!

The beautiful Tinkerbell cake! Oh I could not have asked for a better cake!
(Thanx again Casey & Natalie!!!)

She's not a fan of the Happy Birthday song I guess...she did this at Red Robin too!

Blowing out those 3 candles :)

Eating cake...which was delicious!!!

Her gift from Mom & Dad


It's always a Happy Halloween :)

Cinderella & Gus Gus
She made a sweet little Cinderella
Ready for some Trick-or-Treatin!

Ready for some treating this year buddy!
Such a quiet little mouse.
Cinderella, Gus, and Rag Cinderella (it's the dishes and the kids keep me very very busy! But they are sooo worth it, huh moms?
Our Prince Charming is behind the camera...not in costume, but still our Prince :)

Ahhhh I can sleep a little better! I actually blogged in October. I wish I had more time to post, but at least I am capturing the memories. Can't let those pass by!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

1st Trip to the Lake

We went to the lake as a family of 4 for the 1st time Thursday evening. It was fun to have a picnic with Grandma & Grandpa Turley & the Foss Fam. We watched daddy wakeboard and Audrie and mom love to cheer when he jumps really high. Blake almost missed everything, but I woke him to steal some pictures of him in front of the beautiful won't be long before he is following in his daddy's bindings :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

They are brother & sister

Both my kids were sleeping and Grant was running by 8:00 so I just nailed two posts! Man I am amazing myself at all I am getting done today! I guess when you don't have time to be lazy, you just keep on going. Bye Bye pregnancy schedule...hello two kids :)

I instantly thought Blake had a different look. I see the resemblance, but they are different to me...what do you think?

For 5 weeks early, Audrie had a fuller face and Blake has a lot more hair. I see the most resemblance in their eyes. I'll have to compare again in a few weeks...these are not the best pictures, but they were the best I could match up.

Blake's 1st days

More from the hospital

We love our baby Blake!!!

Look at Audrie in our family pic...she was soooo done with the hospital!
I'm ready to go grow so I can fill out my clothes and my car seat...he's so small!

Welcome Home!!!
My sweet sister-in-laws decorated our house just before we came home :) All our neighbors were outside to greet us. It was so fun to come home to!!! Thanx you two!!!
1st night sleepover :)

Cute kids ready for bed

Audrie loves "baby brother Bake"

Had to show her googly eyes :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Meet Blake Preston Turley

Blake Preston Turley
8:00 AM
6lbs. 6oz.
20 3/4 in.

How to make this short & sweet...oh wait it was! I had been having stronger contractions two days before my induction day and was so glad to make it to Wednesday (Dr. Lowder was away until Tuesday night). We woke up bright and early...5:00 am induction and we got started with everything around 6:15. I was at a 3 and as soon as they gave me the pit, I was off and kicking...HARD! By 6:45 I didn't think I would make it any longer without an epidural! I got my epidural at 7:10....which took until about 7:30 to finish and it just barely started to dull the pain when Dr. Lowder came in to break my water...oh never mind...I'll do that myself again :) So he checked me and said "We've gotta move!" I had been feeling crazy pressure and knew Blake was already coming. I watched a lot of scrambling...not the slow and steady I had experienced with Audrie's delivery. Two big pushes and a few little stop and go's and out came our beautiful baby boy! A little bundle that we had taken bets on...I must have looked a lot bigger cause he was a whopper of 6lbs 6 oz! Oh the little ones I have, but this time our baby was in our arms in less time than I had to blink. Our family didn't even get a chance to make it to the hospital to wait outside. He waited to come, but then made up time! He even came JUMPING! I will have to upload it with Grant's help, but when they were doing his stats and checking him out he repeatedly pushed off the table and did 4 little jumps! He's strong and all boy!

Seeing Audrie come into the room was a tender moment for me...She is a beautiful little girl and to see her almost 3 little self (all smiles) come to meet her baby brother brought such emotion I can't express. I am so blessed to have these two sweet children of our Heavenly Father and I know he blessed all of us to experience this healthy birth. We could not be more grateful, more proud, or more in love! But there is a lot more in store and I know it's going to be a wonderful journey!

Here he is day one...and there are plenty more to come!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Where is baby?.............I'm due!!!

I don't sleep much these nights so yes it is late and now our little guy is too! :)
Friday was my official due date and there is no sign of baby. I am very happy to have made it to my due date and feel so blessed to have carried this baby to term. Thank you to all our friends and family that have been concerned and have prayed for our little one to arrive at a healthier week. He and his sister are already complete opposites the way they are entering the world. She could not wait to get here and he is "getting special instructions" as my mom says. :) He will be arriving September 9th 2009 if he doesn't decide to come on his own. (Although I have been telling him to hold out cause my doctor is out of town...eek!) So 9.9.09 will be a special day for our family and we are excited to meet this special little guy. We will keep you updated. Thanx again for all of your love and support. I had A LOT of help getting this far!